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Chinese New Year e-Celebration 2022 虎虎生威迎新春,中卢云端共祝福

On 8 February 2022, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, the China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ChinaLux), the China Culture Center in Luxembourg (CCCL) and the Confucius Institute at the University of Luxembourg, with the support of Euro-Asia, hosted an online event to celebrate the Chinese New Year and welcome the Year of the Tiger. Moderated by ChinaLux Vice-President Mr. Jacques Bortuzzo, the event served as a way for the China-Luxembourg community to come together and celebrate digitally.

In the first video, Mr. Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy of Luxembourg, expressed his confidence in a post-pandemic recovery. Also, 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Mr. Fayot highlighted the common history and milestones since the establishment of these diplomatic relations, including the achievements in the steel industry, the establishment of the Chinese banks in Luxembourg as well as the close cooperation in the logistics and automotive sectors.

In the second video, H.E. Mrs. Yang Xiaorong, Chinese Ambassador to Luxembourg, stated that, despite the challenges of the pandemic, China’s economy has continued to grow rapidly and has made a significant contribution to global economic growth. Also, Grand Duke Henri met with President Xi Jinping recently at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which will undoubtedly advance the continuous and stable development of the China-Luxembourg relations.

In the third video, as Chairman of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Luc Frieden highlighted the cooperation of China and Luxembourg during the pandemic, mentioning the active role of Cargolux and the Chinese banks. He expressed his hope that China and Luxembourg will continue to develop cooperation also in other areas, including space, health, and combating climate change. Mr. Frieden stressed that international players should contribute to peace and economic prosperity through dialogue.

The president of ChinaLux, Ms. Xie Zhujun, then gave a live speech and expressed her hope that we can beat the virus in the year 2022. She also expressed her gratitude to members and stakeholders of ChinaLux for their support during these challenging times. Despite the pandemic, ChinaLux still achieved to host a mix of digital and physical events and serve its members. 2022 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Luxembourg, and ChinaLux will do everything possible to host exciting events, be it finance, culture or others.

Mr. Zhang Jing of CCCL wished a Happy New Year in his first video. He then presented three videos that gave the audience a rich taste of the Chinese culture, including a ballet dance, a face-changing performance and an underwater dance, all exceptionally well done.

In the videos prepared by the Confucius Institute at the University of Luxembourg, Prof. Dr. Stéphane Pallage, Rector of the University of Luxembourg, mentioned that 2022 marks the 5th year of the establishment of the Confucius Institute at the University of Luxembourg and it has fulfilled its mission. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, more than 200 learners attended hybrid classes in 2021, all in partnership with Fudan University. Mr. Jauffrey Bareille, Director of the Confucius Institute, then provided an interesting Chinese language class that gave the audience a taste of what learning Chinese is all about.

The last video was organised by Mr. Zhang Yong of Euro-Asia and featured, among others, greetings from Mr. Lex Delles, Minister of Tourism of Luxembourg, and Mr. Mars Di Bartolomeo and Mr. Maxim Straus. Also, he showed beautiful Chinese sceneries and people were able to listen to a popular Luxembourgish song.

Before saying goodbye, the organizers wished a Happy Chinese New Year in different languages and dialects.

2022年2月8日晚,由卢森堡商会、中卢商会、卢森堡大学孔子学院、卢森堡中国文化中心联合主办、卢森堡欧亚申根国际集团协办的春节线上庆祝晚会圆满落幕!此次活动由中卢商会副主席Jacques BORTUZZ先生主持。晚会形式多样,包含嘉宾致辞、舞蹈、中国传统变脸艺术、简单中文教学、祝福视频等,中卢友人线上欢聚一堂,共庆新年!

晚会开场,卢森堡经济部长Franz FAYOT先生通过视频方式致以最美好的祝福,同时他借此机会表达了对疫情后经济复苏的信心。2022年是中华人民共和国与卢森堡大公国建交50周年,FAYOT先生回顾了两国建交以来的发展历程和重要里程碑,包括在钢铁行业取得的成就、中资银行在卢森堡的设立、两国在金融、物流和汽车领域的密切合作,以及卢森堡货运航空公司(CargoLux)在疫情期间发挥的关键作用。FAYOT先生表示,希望中卢继续加强牢固的金融经济关系、进一步增强包容、可持续的发展理念和数字经济模型。

中国驻卢森堡大使杨小茸女士通过视频形式为晚会致欢迎辞并向出席活动的各位代表致以最美好的祝愿。她表示,尽管面临疫情挑战,中国经济继续保持快速增长,并为全球经济复苏做出了重要贡献。 近日,卢森堡大公亨利在2022年北京奥运会期间与习近平主席进行了会晤,这无疑将推动中卢关系的持续稳定发展。

卢森堡商会主席Luc FRIEDEN先生再次强调了中卢合作在疫情期间发挥的巨大影响,并也提到了卢森堡货运航空(CargoLux)和中资银行起到的的积极带头作用。 他表示,希望中卢继续在航天、卫生、应对气候变化等更广泛领域开展合作。 FRIEDEN先生强调,国际参与者应通过对话的形式为和平与经济繁荣作出贡献。



卢森堡大学校长Stéphane PALLAGE教授代表卢森堡孔子学院送上春节祝福,并提到2022年是卢森堡大学孔子学院在卢森堡的成立的第五年,在此期间,卢森堡大学孔子学院完美地履行了其教育职责使命。 尽管面临新冠大流行的挑战,2021 年仍有 200 多名学习者参加了在线混合式授课课程。与复旦大学的合作也进一步加强和履行了卢森堡大学的使命,即让学生在全球工作环境中成为世界公民。 卢森堡大学孔子学院卢方院长Jauffrey BAREILLE先生也通过视频的形式为大家精彩呈现了一堂有趣的基础汉语课,让观众体会到了学习汉语的乐趣。

随后,卢森堡欧亚申根国际集团詹勇先生及其团队为此次晚会制作新年特别视频,其中包括卢森堡旅游部长 Lex Delles 先生、卢森堡议会议长 Mars Di Bartolomeo 先生和 CargoLux 首席财务官Maxim Straus先生为观众献上的诚挚新春问候。

最后,此次中国新年庆祝活动在活动举办方代表用不同语言的新年祝福中落下帷幕。 中卢商会副主席 Jacques Bortuzzo 先生宣布晚会结束,并真诚感谢所有与会者对此次活动的支持与厚爱。愿中卢友谊源远流长,务实合作,成果丰硕!


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