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CHINALUX Co-Organizes “Sharing Development Opportunities with the World” Luxembourg Dialogue Event

On 22 July, at the China Cultural Centre in Luxembourg, CHINALUX co-organized the “Sharing Development Opportunities with the World” Luxembourg Dialogue Event with the Chinese Embassy in Luxembourg and China Media Group Europe, as well as the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU, China Cultural Centre in Luxembourg and EU Reporter. CHINALUX President Ms. Zhujun Xie and Vice President Mr. Jacques Bortuzzo attended the event.

Mr. Bortuzzo was the moderator and he welcomed everyone at the beginning of the event.

H.E. Ambassador Hua Ning, Chinese Ambassador in Luxembourg, noted China’s achievements in lifting 800 million people out of poverty and stressed the importance of foreign trade and investment, mentioning over 300 reforms planned by 2029.

Mr. Jean-Marc Goy, Chairperson of Alfi, highlighted China’s shift to “high-quality growth,” focusing on innovation, green technology, and poverty reduction.

Mr. Paul Schockmel, CEO of IEE, discussed the rapid growth of China’s automotive sector and its transition to electrification, highlighting the benefits for Luxembourg companies engaged with the Chinese market.

Mr. Dick Roche, former Irish Minister of European Affairs and former Irish Minister of the Environment, shared his experiences from multiple visits to China, noting the importance of cooperation. He emphasized that collaboration with China, especially in technology, benefits all parties involved.

Representatives from Luxembourg’s financial and industrial sector discussed potential collaborations in sustainable finance, fintech, and innovation, underlining Luxembourg’s role as a key investment hub for China.

Overall, the event reinforced the need for healthy China-Luxembourg relations and continued dialogue to maximize mutual benefits.

7月22日,中卢商会与中国驻卢森堡大使馆、中国中央广播电视台欧洲总站,、欧盟中国商会、卢森堡中国文化中心、欧盟记者站在卢森堡中国文化中心联合举办了“与世界共享发展机遇”卢森堡对话活动。中卢商会主席谢竹君女士和副主席Jacques Bortuzzo先生出席了此次活动,Jacques Bortuzzo先生担任了活动的主持人并欢迎各位参加本次活动。 

中国驻卢森堡大使华宁指出, 中国已经使8亿人脱贫,并强调了对外贸易和投资的重要性,华宁大使同时提到了将在2029年前进行超过300项改革。

ALFI 主席Jean-Marc Goy先生强调了中国向“高质量增长”的转变,重点关注创新、绿色技术和减贫。IEE 首席执行官Paul Schockmel先生讨论了中国汽车行业的快速发展及其向电气化的转变,强调了卢森堡企业参与中国市场所带来的益处。

前爱尔兰欧洲事务及环境部长Dick Roche先生分享了他多次访问中国的经验,强调合作的重要性。他强调,与中国合作,尤其在技术领域,对各方都具有益处。


此次“与世界共享发展机遇” 卢森堡对话活动强化了中卢两国健康关系的必要性,继续通过对话最大化双方的互惠利益,并圆满结束。


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